電影達人Wing:《智取威虎山3D》 為政治服務
(Please Scroll Down This Page For The English Movie Review)
電影一開始是「2015年•紐約」,我還以為入錯影院,原來是徐克的情意結,當年他就是在紐約第一次接觸到京劇《智取威虎山》,所以電影也安排了一班紐約華裔生唱卡拉OK,電視播錯了《智取威虎山》,其中一人輕蔑地說:"What's that?"。其實電影已算客氣,換轉現實,那人應該已經破口大駡了,而這點,徐克豈會不明白,所以我期待的是徐克如何逆轉那些人(也正是我們觀眾)對《智取威虎山》的負面印象——濃重的政治色彩、陳舊不合時宜。
子彈慢動作穿越,然後瞬間靜止,再環迴拍攝,《Matrix》已經玩過了,而且已經是1999年的事,《智取威虎山》的3D也造就不到更大的昇華。當威虎山的烏鴉飛越室內,更加不好意思,我笑了出來,太像《Harry Porter》送信貓頭鷹的翻版了。
順帶一提,梁家輝飾演的土匪「座山雕」的確我認不出來,但戴假鼻演出,何嘗不是複製《The Hour》的Nichole Kidman?
並非外國花香,James Bond也是身手非凡,但Bond movies有辦法make the impossible possible,令我相信,放棄質疑,投入電影世界。而且,身手多好,James Bond也有弱點,更顯人性。
“Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy 3D” serves for politics
“Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy 3D”directed by Tsui Hark has been released in mainland long ago, while it is going to be released in Hong Kong on May14th.
Reproducing a model opera of the Cultural Revolution, the skilled are bold.
The movie began with “New York 2015” and I supposed I had come to the wrong cinema. It turns out that it had something to do with Tsui Hark’s affection, that he first got to know the Beijing opera “Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy” in New York, therefore, the movie is arranged with some foreign citizens of Chinese origin singing karaoke and the television mistakenly showed “Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy”, on the screen, a person asked contemptuously, "What's that?” Actually, the movie had been playing nice. If it comes into reality, the person must have yelled out loudly. Tsui Hark was very clear about this of course, so I was wondering how he would reverse negative impression of those people (exactly we audiences) on “Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy”—strong political complexion, old-fashion and out of date.
Tsui Hark chose 3D.
But 3D is not a panacea. Ring 3D in Japan suffered a crushing failure.
Bullet passing through slowly and stop in a moment, then the scene circling back have been applied in Matrix in 1999. The 3D of “Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy”would not make any better. When ravens were flying over indoors, I could not help laughing out, for it was too similar to the owls in Harry Porter series.
By the way, I could not recognize Tony Leung who acted as a bandit “Hawk”. But wearing a fake nose is actually again a copy from Nicole Kidman in The Hours.
In the end, I found it was only my own wishful thinking that “Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy3D” would make a breakthrough apart from 3D. I can accept the protagonist is National Liberation Army and the dialogues are full of northeast dialect, but I cannot accept the movie “sticks to the original” to consecrate characters to serve politics. On the side of the protagonist, even girls and little children were loyal and courageous, having excellent marksmanship and extraordinary skills. They could catch a bandit standing guard on high by throwing up a rope; and the protagonist could fly to a snow mountain of thousands meter high by a rope.It is really not worshiping and having blind faith in foreign things. James Bond has extraordinary skills, but he can manages to make the impossible possible, to make me believe, make me stop querying and engage to movie world.
Furthermore, though he has extraordinary skills, James Bond has his weakness, which makes him more human.